Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions That Are Wandering The Earth

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions: If you never found treasure buried under the earth, and then it will take you to the peak of excitement, but stones and bones, probably found in search of ancient monuments, were not of much interest.

The work of the Department of Archaeology is to search the secret behind the walls of these ruins and to bring the facts to the world.

Doing this, we can hypothesize that the world, which was made by our ancestors. Archaeological discoveries show you today about something which is still secret to the world.

Round stones of Costa Rica

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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Such spherical stones in Costa Rica will be visible in many places. 3-4 centimeters to 3 meters in width, these stones are of scientific research today.

Göbekli tape

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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Göbekli Tape is a temple in turkey which is a symbol of human civilization and it is an important milestone. The temple was built before turkey becomes a city, which proves that the religious institution was given priority in ancient time.

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The Longyou Grottoes

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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The massive artificial caves found in China are still a secret. These caves were built in 212 BCE, Qin dynasty has first manufactured, but history does not describe them anywhere.

The Voynich Manuscript

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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Writing, illustration and paintings given Voynich Manuscript is unknown to the world, no one understood the language of the manuscript found. The plants shown do not match today’s plants.

The Mount Owen Moa

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions, The Mount Owen Moa
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Archaeological research in the 1980s in New Zealand reached the caves of Mount oven. There, they found some bones and the remnants of a large claw.

It was so well preserved that researchers did not detect its age. Later it was discovered that a 3000-year-old extinct bird, Moa, were the remains.

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The Gate of the Sun

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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The Gate of the Sun is Located at an altitude of 13,000 feet is a door and Bolivia considered that it is first human created structure in the world. It is believed that the carving on the door reflecting astronomical significance.

Stone Age caves

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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The ancient underground stone caves are the subject of the secret for archeology researchers.

Because if it was created by ancient people, so much detailed understanding of how to build them is the secret to unveil.

Yonaguni Monument

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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The construction of the Japan Pío underwater Yonaguni is at some distance from the shore. The building remained flat at 90 degree angles on the corners and the dilemma is that whether they are natural or artificial construction.

L’Anse aux Meadows

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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The 1000-year old building, located in Canada’s Newfoundland shows that at that time there was a colony of the Vikings.

The Unfinished Obelisk

Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
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The tower was being created directly from the bedrock, but when there was crack in the stone, its construction was stopped.


Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
Image Credit: Google

Saksatwaman is a fort that was constructed with stones and without any mixture of cement in it but the fort is stood strong.

These stones are fitted to each other so tightly that it is impossible to remove the sheet of paper between them.


Mysterious Archaeological Unresolved Questions
Image Credit: Google

Sindh, Pakistan Mohenjo-daro in ancient times was a colony of the first modern humans. It is the visible part of the social system and city planning. It is said that about 40,000 people lived here.

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