Some Shocking Facts About Indian Customers

Interesting Facts About Indian Customers: Indian customers are divided in many ways.

According to Indian culture, their religion, economic status, lifestyle, and lastly gender; you will get a variety of customers.

You will notice different attitudes and beliefs among the people of India while they are purchasing any products.

There are different religious people stays together, and various languages are also used by them.

As their cultures are different, their choices and needs are also being different.

And the other thing which affects mostly that is their lifestyle.

Along with the culture, social status will make them different from one another.

Some of them are soft-spoken while others may be rude by their attitude.

In this article, we will discuss some habits of Indian customers.

Very good at Bargaining

Indians have the quality of bargaining in their blood. They try to bargain from everywhere and everything they purchase. The vendors are always not sticking any labels to the products.

They ask for a different price for different customers. So, it is in habits of Indian to bargain. And all the time they bargain they will get a discount.

It will make them more confident about it. They don’t accept any product without a huge bargain.

A survey report shows that maximum70% to minimum30% price are reduced by the Indian customer at the time of bargaining.

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A hard to convince

Some Shocking Facts About Indian Customers
Image by Jason Goh from Pixabay

Indians customers are not convinced easily. The shopkeeper may try to understand them about the product features or about the quality of the product, but they will not pay any attention to them.

The product they are using, they are very particular about it. Suppose they are using a detergent powder from a brand which is preferred by them, they do not want to use or try another product even if it is better also.

Doesn’t matter if the customer is male or female, or what is the product, even if they listen to you, they always try to convince you that their choice is much better than your products.


How the people behave they will get back the return. This is the truth of life. As the shopkeeper shows how to fleece the customers, the customers also make a double-cross on them.

The customers also show rude behavior to them. Not that, all the time people expressed rude behavior, but within short conversations, the customers show rude attitude to the trader.

There are lots of reasons behind this attitude. Not all the time you can blame the dealer also. Indian customers show their personal emotion in front of public.

Most importantly many of the Indians belongs from below poverty, who are not enough eligible and suffers from a lack of money. Many of the times they started to quarrel with the seller.

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Indian customers tolerate many things that are actually not virtuous. Only they are the not the people who harass the vendors, even shopkeepers also shows many unethical works to them.

Many shopkeepers decreased the quality of the product or sometimes they reduce the quantity of the product when customers are bargaining with them.

After sell, the customers will get the service in a proper way. This is some causal issues which are tolerated by the Indian Customers.

According to the situation, they may be rude or aggressive, but another fact is also present there in behind of all this.

All the times we cannot blame the customers, but it also happens that some shopkeeper got extra money from them, or not behave properly.

But Indian customers also shows the open-mindedness when it’s needed. Both of them need some extra patience to handle the situations.

Conclusion on Facts About Indian Customers

So guys here are some Shocking Facts About Indian Customers. I hope like this article. What your thoughts on it please tell us in comments section.

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