7 Lesser Known Facts About Delhi

Interesting facts about Delhi: Delhi is the capital of India, and although the city has been in the news for all the wrong reasons, there are some facts about this city that are worth pointing out.

Mind-Blowing Facts About Delhi

QutubMinar – Tallest Brick MinakretIn The World

Amazing Facts About Delhi
Image by Arpit Sahani from Pixabay

Yes, this minaret is made of brick and stands 120 meters tall, making it the tallest minaret in the world. The tower has 379 steps in a circular design that lead to the top.

The QutubMinar was constructed in 1220 by Qutub-ud-Din Aibak. This is one of the most iconic structures in Delhi that is also a popular tourist destination.

Although the construction is centuries old, it still stands strong and has a great cultural influence of that time period.

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Delhi Is A Green City

While a number of people point a finger at the city, complaining about its pollution and population, this city plays a major role in maintaining the green cover for the country, with about 20% of the city covered in green.

Delhi recently emerged as the greenest capital in the world. The city has made a lot of efforts to get this title and is continuing to plant more trees with a view to make the city green and the environment cooler and better.

Eco Friendly Transport

The Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) has the largest number of buses that run on CNG, which is a lot less polluting in comparison to petrol or diesel.

This is natural gas which helps in preserving the resources of the country.

While most of the public transport services in India use diesel or petrol to run their vehicles, this is the only transport service that has made efforts towards controlling the pollution and making the city a better place.

While people talk about Delhi being a polluted city, this city has made the most efforts to improve and become an aware city.

Museum Of Toilets

Yes, the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets is dedicated to sanitation and the various methods used. You will find some weird toilets here, including a potty used by King Louis XIV.

There are also some toilets made of gold and silver which were used by the Roman Emperors.

There are also a number of articles, structures and information on various sanitation programs, methods and how the invention of the flush came up.

While all this sounds really funny, it is helpful in educating people about the importance of sanitation in a country like India where a number of homes lack toilets.

KhariBaoli – Asia’s Largest Spice Market

KhariBaoli, which is a famous spice market located in ChandniChowk, is Asia’s largest wholesale spice market.

This market has been functional since the 17th century and is also a great tourist destination. Tourists from all over the world come here to shop for their spices.

This is one of the best places to get the purest spices from all parts of the country.

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Azadpur Mandi

This is one of Asia’s largest fruit and vegetable markets that has over 3000 trucks that go out each day, supplying fruits and vegetables to over 30,000 retailers on a daily basis.

These trucks run on a daily basis no matter what with an aim of deliver fresh fruits and vegetables to vendors who sell it to the people of Delhi.

Delhi Ridge Makes Delhi Bird Rich

This ridge has the largest bird sanctuary in the country, with some of the rarest birds from all over the world.

This makes Delhi the second bird rich capital in the world. If you ever visit Delhi, make sure you take a trip to this sanctuary.


So guys here are some lesser known facts about Delhi (The Capital of India). I hope like this article. What your thoughts on it please tell us in comments section.

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